Our Story...

Sisski (meaning: female friend), is a community for female entrepenures with a story to share, those who want to craft a better life through building an online business or promoting an existing business, all while inspiring other females in the meantime.

About me

"There has to be more to life"

Having a parent who struggled with alcoholism limited my belief in achieving a "successful" life.

Although I was always supported and encouraged to dream big, financial success felt overwhelmingly unattainable.

During moments of meditation, a vision of supporting other women who've faced comparable childhoods or life-altering circumstances dawned on me as my purpose.

"Time to transform this mess into a message and inspire others"

We all deserve to live life to the fullest, no matter where we've come from. It's a short time on this earth, so why not make the absolute most of it? And inspire others along the way, and so Sisski was born...

Now through building an online business, I live an abundant life, with freedom, success and achievement. It goes beyond mere financial prosperity, encompassing success in mental health, making healthy lifestyle choices, creating an abundant life for my children and much more.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower as many women as possible to create lives they're proud of and to share as many inspiring stories as we can.
We believe in equal opportunities for all, no matter where they have come from or what they've been through.

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